Thursday, October 4, 2012

18 months

Our sweet Reesey bear turned 18 months yesterday. I cant believe how big she is getting. She's is going to seem even bigger when baby #2 arrives. I know she is my daughter but I think she is the sweetest little girl I know. She is so full of love and has such a sweet tender heart. I remember praying for her when I was pregnant with her that God would giver her a kind, tender heart full of love and compassion. And she has just that. I can be sitting in the floor and she will come up to me and put her small little arms around my neck and just hug me. It melts this mommas heart. She loves to give kisses all the time, sometimes I don't even have to ask for them. As I am writing this she just came up to me, looked at me and smiled, then gave me a kiss and hug. Oh I just love those moments. It's in those sweet moments that I cant help but thank God for, and to help me to remember those moments.Today when I picked her up from Mrs. Julie's, as soon as I walked in the door and she saw me, she got all excited and ran to my arms. Another melt my heart moment :) I think Reese may be a girlie girl. She LOVES lotion, chap stick, and she loves to play in my make up. She sits up on the counter and watches me, then when im done using a make up brush I give it to her and she rubs the brush on her face. She loves to wear shoes. She's pretty much in shoes all day long. When she gets tired if one pair she goes and gets another.
 She loves helping me in the kitchen, she also likes to help me put the laundry un the dryer. I give her everything from the washer and she puts it all in the dryer and she likes to help me sweep and mop.
We went roping with daddy the other night, we hadn't gone in a while because she always cries the whole time because she wants back on the horse. Luckily this time there was a young girl who let Reese sit with her on the horse. That kept her happy until she had to get off. I think daddy is going to have to get her, her own horse very soon. :)

I cant believe how big miss Hadley Rae is getting.....she's sooo cute


One of Reese's favorite things to do is play and jump on our bed. 

She loves to fall straight back....over and over


Today I wanted to snack on some green olives. I thought for sure Reese wouldn't like them......but she loved them.



  1. She is getting so big! And she is a very sweet girl! So loving!
    We love you Reese!

  2. Her daddy's wheels are probably spinning about when to get her OWN horse :) He was born wanting to ride & get his own horse.
    Love how you love Reese. I miss you something terrible. Catch my kiss from here!
