Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Two days a week we get to keep my friend Kristin's baby Kapri. So far it has been really good. It's been good practice because I get a feel of what it will be like when baby #2 arrives and its getting Reese used to having another baby in the house. Reese has been doing very well, she loves to help out and she loves holding her.


She spilled her food and she's supposed to be cleaning it up, instead she's eating it

Thanks to Pinterest I have found many activities for Reese to do. This is one we did the other day called "cloud dough". All it is, is flour and baby oil. She doesn't like anything on her hands and wasn't quite sure what to think at first but then she really liked it.

 This was yesterday while daddy was home for lunch

1 comment:

  1. She is such a loving little girl, just precious.
    Those pig tails look SO MUCH LIKE her Aunt Mary Beth!! Holy Cow!! I have photos that look just like that!!
    I think I would like that cloud dough :) Love that Hog Shirt Woo Pig Sooiee!!
    Like Father Like Daughter - shhhhhhhh
