Wednesday, August 22, 2012


We went to the doctor yesterday for my first appointment and my official due date is April 1st. I go back in 3 weeks for an ultrasound. I am happy to say that I have been feeling a lot better. I still don't go a day without loosing my food but its better than it was. There for a week I felt like I was ran over by a bus and couldn't get off the couch. Hopefully in  few more weeks I will be back to normal.

Reese has been trying to say more words. Her new word is pwease. It took her a day to learn the word and a day to learn what it means and when to say it. She says it in the sweetest voice and its very hard to say no sometimes. When we sit down at the table to eat, first thing she does is put her hands together and bows her head. It melts my heart every time. When you ask her how old she is she can show you. I still cant believe how big she is getting and how fast she learns things. I'm goint to try to start potty training at 18months and I'm hoping she will learn that pretty fast as well.

This was a couple weeks ago when Pri stayed a couple hours with us...

Reese's first pair of toms

She loves jumping on our bed

and playing like she asleep

This was he first bubble bath and she did not know what to think and she didn't want to sit down

Please get this off my hand...

Reese and I walk up to the barn quite a bit to see if we can find daddy

1 comment:

  1. That "PWEEEEASE" gets me every time!! Love it :)
    Daddy & his girl - what a bond they share.
    I'll be so glad when you feel really better & enjoy this pregnancy :)
    Makes me smile just thinking about your ultrasound with Reese :)
