Thursday, December 15, 2011


Reese has be staying with a lady named Julie when I volunteer. She also watches a girl a month younger than Reese. When I picked her up on Monday Julie told me that Reese and Ali were scooting around the floor and Ali stopped and starting fussing then Reese turned back around, went up to her and put her hand on her cheek and rubbed it. Ahhh. When she told me this my heart melted. For such a small person, Reese has such a big heart. She is such a special girl. I know God has big plans for her and I can't wait to see them.

Katy and Campbell came for a visit today. Reese isn't quite sure what to think about him but she was definitely curious. It was funny watching her trying to touch him, of coarse she doesn't know the word "gentle" and kept wanting to tap him on the head.

I was finally able to get some good pictures of her first two teeth!!!.......

Isn't she just beautiful........

When Garrett is home for lunch, he usually gives Reese her bottle. Well the other day I was not paying attention and he said look at your daughter. She was laying on the floor drinking her bottle. I got so excited because she had never done that before. But apparently she had because Garrett said she has done it several times. I had no idea. Anyways she is getting so good at drinking her bottle in her own, I am very proud of her.

Aunt Katy showing her how to be gentle.....

So handsome......

I look at this and can't believe Reese used to be this small

She loved her block Pippo brought her.............

Yep.....she is up on her toes.....

Then went to her knees and started rocking back and forth.....I thought she was gonna take off


  1. Yes she is just beautiful! She is sooo sweet & that little gesture toward her friend is just one of the many yet to come :)
    She is just growing & progressing waaaaayyyy tooooo fast!!
    Love the Razorback pj's!
    Campbell is quite the handsome little man!! Can't wait to see him for myself & snuggle a little.
    That's quite the beard daddy has....a rare sight of tennis shoes on him.
    Oh she is gonna take off on those knees yet!
    Pippo Loves You

  2. SO glad we got to come over for a visit. I always miss you guys so much.I love that little girl tons.
