Saturday, December 3, 2011

Reese the Explorer

It has been a very long week. Garrett has been sick for a while now and the other day it finally got a hold of me. I hate being sick and I have learned its hard to get the rest you need when you have a baby to take care of. I took Reese to the sitter yesterday morning so I could rest and boy did it help tremendously. I am feeling much much better today. I tried to really play with her tonight before she went to bed due to the lack of attention I have not been giving to her the past few days. I'm just praying she stays healthy and does not get this crud.

On Thanksgiving morning I was told first thing by Pippo that Reese has a tooth poking through. I did not believe it! I honestly thought she was just playing a joke on me. I check them quite often but sure enough there it was! I almost cried because this is such a milestone. Her FIRST tooth!!!! A couple days later Garrett and I both noticed ANOTHER one poking through. My baby is getting so big. She is such a sweetheart, she loves giving Garrett and I kisses.  She is wondering all over the house, always having to check things out. She loves going into our room and playing in the mirror then she makes her way to our bathroom. She is 8 months old today....goodness....where does the time go? I am going to have to start planning her first birthday before to long. sheesh.  Her new thing is clapping. I have worked with her for a while now on this and when I saw her clap for the first time I was so excited. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your child do the things you teach them.

I am counting down the days until Christmas! I have all of my shopping done. Oh and I went the Saturday morning after Thanksgiving and I still got all the black Friday deals minus the crowds. I was so excited about this. I think I'm gonna start doing that every year. I know Reese wont remember her first Christmas but I know she will have a ball opening presents.

                                                                   giving daddy kisses.....

                                                             then pulling is hair.......

                                                       hmmmm.....I wonder whats in here...

                                   ok, I couldn't resist putting this picture on here.....gotta love those thighs :)

1 comment:

  1. Pippo would never joke about such a milestone!!!! Holy Cow 2 teeth!
    Oh Reesey Bear you are just a beautiful baby, can't believe you are eight months old :) Keep giving Mom & Dad those wonderful kisses, but save some for Pippo, too & I just love those precious healthy little legs.
    Oh you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town....
