Sunday, June 19, 2011

A day full of great things...great shopping, great food, great friends and great grandparents!

Reese and I drove up to Lebanon on Saturday to see my my grandparents (her great grandparents). Garrett went roping and as much as I would have loved to go watch him, it was just way to hot for Reese to be out there.The 3 of us went shopping and papa stayed at home. Mama Bel loved showing Reese off to everyone at the store. She is definitly a proud great granny. Then we picked up my papa and went and ate yummy Italian food. Of coarse we could not go home without going to see Katy and her girls. They absolutely love Reese, Lillian and Kerrington want mommy to have a baby just like Reese and even name her Reese.

she loves to suck those fingers


  1. I am so glad your grandparents got to spend some quality time with our Precious Butter Cup :) Sounds & looks like you had a great time. I am glad they spoil a good way of course :) You & Reese deserve a little spoiling once in a while. You can see the pride & love as they look & hold sweet Reese :) She is one blessed little girl to have so many grandparents to love her!
    Sure wish I could have seen Garrett rope!! I miss watching him do that so much.
    Her & Maelea love those sweet girls.
    You can see the love in those sweet faces of Katy, Lillian & Kerrington!
    Pippo Loves You All

  2. I love great grandparents! Reese looks JUST LIKE Garrett!!!
