Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I cannot believe how nice the weather has been lately! I'm not complaining though. Reese and I have been able to get outside and play a little bit. She loves it outside. She especially loves to go look at the horses and loves to touch them. I took her out for a little bit before her nap today and we layed on the blanket then all the horses ran up to the fence by us. She has a new word which is whoa, and that's all she kept saying when we were looking at the horses. Her personality is really starting to show. She is a very sweet baby, she loves to give big hugs and kisses. When she hugs you she squeezes you. She has finally figured out how to crawl on her knees now and goes back and forth between crawling and army crawling. Today when Garrett was home for lunch she was sitting on his lap and she kept tooting then would laugh about it. She did it several times and each time she would giggle. I am anxiously waiting for her to wake up from her nap so we can go to the park and swing :)

one of my favorites....

I love these baby blues......

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Never underestimate God's power

Last Sunday at church was a big day for me. Before I go on I need to go back a few months......

A few months ago I was in a pretty low place in my life. Especially in my walk with God. I didn't understand how I had gotten to that point. I hated it. It is the worst place to be.  I felt like I my head was barely above water. Its not that I wasn't happy, I had just been feeling kinda depressed, alone, and confused. I had watched this video of this skit from a concert and it was this girl, she was dancing with Jesus, everything was great. Then comes in sin.....self image, money, satan, things that get in the way of your walk with God. They were pulling her down doing everything they could to keep her down. All the while there was Jesus, constantly fighting for her. Doing everything He could to fight her battles. Finally, He broke through and rescued her. Well, that's kinda how I felt. It took a few months for me to come out of this. I talked to my preacher and friends about it. They told me God has something planned for you, you just need to keep on keepin on. I was struggling to find who I was in Christ. I wanted to serve Him so badly, I was looking for way to do so, instead of waiting for Him to lead me where He wanted me. Some days were better, other days were horrible. I couldn't find joy in anything. I would think to myself, I have the most loving and caring husband, a beautiful healthy daughter, why am I feeling like this? I couldn't feel the presence of God in my life anymore. It is the worst possible place to be in. I remember praying about it and one day God told me, I have big plans for you. Be patient. At that point I knew that satan was doing everything he could to keep me from these plans. That's when I started fighting, and I knew Jesus was right there fighting for me also. Things started getting better. I was feeling that joy back in my life again. I wasn't feeling like I was drowning anymore.

Then came along the Daniel Fast. I wanted to do this to help my relationship with the Lord. I wanted to have that intimate relationship with Him. My goal was 21 days.....I only lasted 11. But during that time, I learned how to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Really relying on the Spirit to guide me. As Christians we tend to forget about the Holy Spirit, I know I do. This helped me be more aware of it.

Our church has been needing someone to teach the K- 2nd graders on Wednesday evenings. They have been looking for someone for a while. Tracy had even asked me if I had thought about it and I said no, that I haven't felt like God was calling me to that ministry. Well last Sunday, the announcements were made as usual, and it was said that they were still looking for someone to teach on Wednesday nights. Right after that, I just started crying. The conviction of the Holy Spirit was so strongly running through me. It was all I could do not to start balling. I cried during the whole service, It didn't help that the sermon was about the Jesus dying on the cross.  I can't even describe to you what I was feeling, it was so strong and very over whelming. It was an amazing feeling. The calling was so strong, I knew what I needed to do. After a little bit I finally said "ok God, if this is what you want me to do then I'll do it". As soon as I said this, the feeling started to slowly ease away. I must admit I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna do yet. I have never done anything like this before. I never thought I would do anything like this. I am just putting my Trust in God and letting Him guide me. He called me to do this, so I have to trust He knows what He is doing.

He also gave me another ministry so start. Its going to be like the Big Brother and Big Sisters. We have a lot of lower income children that have been coming to our church. Their parents don't come, they ride the church bus Wednesday's and Sunday's. They don't have accountability at home and they need people to mentor them. Whoever wants to be apart of this ministry will be paired with a child and hang out with them once or twice a month. Doing things that cost little to nothing. Just being there for the child, talking with them, playing with them, listening to them, being a friend and mentor. I will be bringing this to the deacons next month to get things started. Please be praying for this ministry.

God was right, He did have big plans. Satan was doing everything he could to keep me from these two ministries. But he didn't win, he will never win. I am so excited about all this. I can't help but to think of the verse "Good things come to those who love the Lord."  One thing that preacher told me that really helped was that everyone goes through spiritual warfare, some longer than others, we just have to keep seeking the Lord. I'm here to tell you, if you ever get where I was, just remember God must have something in store for me that satan is trying to keep me away from. Don't give up and keep seeking the Lord, He is always right beside you holding your hand and fighting your battles.

                                                                     My pretty valentine.......

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fun at the Park

First I must tell you that tonight Reese walked up and down the hallway with her push toy all by herself. She did this non stop for about five minutes. She only fell a couple times. In fleece jammies and a slick floor I might add. I am so proud of her.

Yesterday was nice out so I decided  Reese and I were going to the park to swing. I have been WAITING soooo long to take her. At first she didn't quite know what to think but after she got going she loved it. She was all giggles and the higher she went the more she loved it.

I'm thinking Reese and I will be at the barn all the time during the summer. I love taking her up there to see the animals and boy does she love it to.

Are you cracking up yet???


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Play Time

Reese and I had a play date with Christina and Londyn on Friday. This was the first time our girls really got to play together. We had fun watching them play and watch Strawberry Shortcake ( our new favorite show) I watch it sometimes by myself :) 

                                                               I love these little feet

Kerrinton came to saty the night with us Saturday night. She is such a sweet, kind hearted, good little girl.
When we were driving home last night, out of the blue she says "I love you Ree". Ah it was to sweet. Melted my heart. I wish we could have had more time to play, and watch Strawberry Shortcake.

Reese was crawling around the bathtub.....